Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity, inc
Newark, NJ | Founded Oct. 13, 1926

Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity was founded with the intent of college students to create closer contacts with each other than their classrooms permitted, different students among them took the lead in calling these meetings which were in formal in every detail. Thus, the creation of a social study and support group for minority students who faced racial prejudice, both educationally and socially, at Cornell was formed. After several years and various discussions, the first intercollegiate Greek-letter fraternity was established at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York on Tuesday December 4th, 1906. The fraternity was founded by seven college men who recognized the need for a strong bond of brotherhood among African descendants in this country. These seven individuals were later referred to and cherished as the jewels of our organization. The visionary founders, known as the “Jewels” of the Fraternity, are Henry Arthur Callis, Charles Henry Chapman, Eugene Kinckle Jones, George Biddle Kelley, Nathaniel Allison Murray, Robert Harold Ogle, and Vertner Woodson Tandy.
After being founded at Cornell University, Alpha Phi Alpha spread far and wide to other colleges and universities. While continuing to stress academic excellence among its members, Alpha also recognized the need to help correct the educational, economic, political, and social injustices faced by African Americans. On April 11, 1911, Brother Richard Hill, a graduate of Fisk University, came from the University of Michigan where he was studying law, and with the assistance of Jewel Jones set up the first graduate chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha. The decision to establish a graduate chapter was met by opposition from the National Body. The opinion of the Brothers at that time was that the Fraternity was for undergraduates only. After careful consideration of the matter, however, it was concluded at the Fourth Annual Convention that this infant group would be Lambda Chapter since eight undergraduates chapters were in existence at that time.

The Fifth General Convention and First Alumni Reunion convened on December 26, 1912, with Kappa Chapter, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Lambda Chapter was ably represented by delegates A. S. Brock and J. T. Clark. A recommendation was presented by Brother Brock that all graduate chapters be designated similar to the undergraduate chapters, but with Lambda as a final letter. The recommendation was adopted by a motion of Jewel Kelly, seconded by Brother Dunn. Thus, the Louisville chapter became known as Alpha Lambda and the system for naming the graduate chapters was established.
Twenty years after the founding of our dear Fraternity, the Brothers in the State of New Jersey experienced a need to establish a local chapter to sustain them in their efforts to address what has been called the problem of the 20th Century – the problem of the color line; while pursuing, ambitiously their professional careers. Therefore on a fall Wednesday evening, October 13, 1926, in the home of Brother Dr. Clarence S. Janifer, Sr., at 208 Parker Street, Newark, New Jersey; Bro. Peyton Anderson, Eastern Regional Vice President with Bro. James Fladger and Bro. Leslie Thompson of Eta Chapter (Columbia University) along with the following Brothers met to form a New Jersey chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Thirteen alumni Brothers made application for charter. Ultimately, fourteen were recognized as charter members. The men, are affectionately known throughout the Chapter as “The Original 14.”

Alpha Alpha Lambda Signature Events and Programs
MLK Oratorical Contest
Project Alpha at S. 17th Street School in Newark, NJ
Go To High School Go To College
HBCU College Fair
Newark Water Crisis Community Outreach
March of Dimes for Babies
Alpha Wives Art & Sip
Summer Family BBQ
- NY Yankees Bus Ride Outing
Brotherhood SuperBowl Party
Brotherhood Smoke
Wine Pairing Soiree
AAL Evening of Elegance

"The Original 14"
Dr. Walter Gilbert Alexander, Physician
William Mobile Ashby, Author & Social Worker
Dr. Richard Bruce Carter, Pharmacist
Sgt. Ernest Fuller Clarkson, 372nd Infantry
John Wester Douglas, Lawyer
Dr. John Henry Hayes, Sr, Dentist
Dr. Edward Gaylord Howell, Physician
Dr. Clarence Sumner Janifer, Physician
Dudley Armstead Johnson, Farmer & Landscaper
Dr. Julius Caesar McKelvie, Physician
James Orlando Randolph, Lawyer
Dr. Frank French Thompson, Sr, Physician
Dr. Arthur Conrad Thornhill, Physician
Dr. Ferdinand DeLeon Williams, Dentist